
Its Silver! EcoVadis
January 8, 2022
Adjuvate has recently been awarded a prestigious silver classification by EcoVadis for our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.
We are proud that this recognition places us within the top 25% of the world’s best companies as assessed by EcoVadis.
EcoVadis is one of the most recognised and trusted providers of business sustainability ratings throughout industry. Such high praise is especially valuable for Adjuvate, given that this was our first formal evaluation and we achieved a classification normally reserved only for much larger multinational corporations.
EcoVadis ranks Adjuvate among the world’s best companies participating in the mutually beneficial assessment. Quite an arduous task, the very thorough evaluation individually assesses applicant companies on their Environmental Response, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.
With the growing importance of sustainability in making business decisions, the high classification achieved through independent assessment is not only recognition of our commitment to sustainable and responsible behaviour, but a credible message to the global market that Adjuvate is serious about CSR and partnering with like minded corporations from around the world.